1 On 1 Coaching with Coach Jack

Life, Health, Career

Start Shaping Your New Life Today

Coaching Services

Personal Coaching

Take your sales to the next level with guided personal success coaching. Work with Coach Jack himself or a certified Coach Jack success coach. This program allows you to meet virtually with your success coach on a weekly basis. Times and frequency can vary based on the program you select. Ask your questions, find the areas that you need improvement and turn them into success centers, discover the “why not’s” in your life and improve your productivity, efficiency, and profit. It’s a well-known fact that executives who participate in personal coaching have increased sales and make more than their non-coached peers.

Group Coaching

Group coaching gives you the benefits of personal coaching but adds the power of team synergy to your process. When you work with others in your organization your daily accountability and efficiency goes up! Group coaching is where “the coach” takes on a true coach persona and helps your team win, win, win!

Training Classes

The Coach Jack Training Class is a mini-boot camp experience designed to tackle specific sales issues for your group in a single session. Participants will join together and work through specialized topic training in a lab/workshop setting led by Coach Jack or a certified group training coach. We offer a wide range of topics as well as a full custom training option. Call today and speak with a certified Coach Jack coach and design the perfect training class for your team.

Webinar Series

The Coach Jack Webinar Series is a weekly webinar that takes on some of the most difficult and important sales topics any executive may face. Lead conversion, empowering objections, solution-centric sales, the six types of clients, etc. These highly informative webinars are taught by Coach Jack the award-winning international sales coach. Participants may text in messages and questions during this live event. Recorded versions are available for on-demand listening.

Live Training

There is nothing like a “live” Coach Jack presentation! Feel the energy, excitement, and positive passion of Coach Jack direct from the source. Coach Jack is available to teach, speak, facilitate, and motivate at your next sales meeting, conference, or custom retreat. Contact us today to discuss schedule availability and topic selection.

Special Event

Coach Jack started his training career as a facilitator for the first experiential training course built in Utah over 36 years ago. Today Coach Jack continues this tradition helping groups find their inner-strength and sales superpower through team-based communication and problem-solving events. Each year Coach Jack host two live corporate events at one of his national training locations in the United States but is also available to take the show on the road. Contact us for details and to schedule an event planning session for your company.

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start Forging Your Own Path Today!

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Coach Jack is a division of 8 Second Solutions, LLC